aarti chhabria hot hot

on Friday 26 August 2011

Biography for Aarti Chhabria at IMDbPro More » feedback to the Date of Birth 21 November 1982, India
Height 5 '5 "(1.65 m)
Mini Biography
Aarti was born in the family has made Mumbai.Her Connection with Bollywood or any other Indian movie industry.Her Well know Father is a dentist Dr. Ashok Chabria, and her mother Mrs. Chabria Shunites beaded curtains for a designated and it has a pelmets.She Younger Abhishek who is studying to be a brother named dentist soon.
Aarti was since the modelling was the farex Baby Come years.She of 3, and did almost 200-250 ads, like Maggi noodles, tooth Paste Pepsodent, Clean and Clear facewash, Hamul frostick icecream, Lml trendy scooter, Krach creates etc. .. Aarti was a good study in the School, and college.
After completing her education, when she was crowned Miss India Aarti Shots into famine in 2000.She then appeared in a music video for Sukhwinder Singh (Nash Nash These ...); one titled 'Madhubala', one for Adnan Sami ('Roothe hither kyo hai 'from the album other Chehera ..) - which only added to her Popularity.
She shall flow with it in English and Hindi. She made her could have been done in Bollywood with 'Then Himself Aacha Kaun Hai' in 2002, but before that she had also acted in a role came in the 'Akansha' and 'Lajja' in 1989 and 2001 respectively. Apart from acting in is consumed by it that she has shown she can be versatile for portraying the role of an NRI in the tapori 'Awara Paagal Deewana', of a woman with a split personality in the 'Raja Bhaiya', a well who is a Muslim of retaining bar dancer, in love with an underworld Don in the 'Shootout at Lokhandwala', or from the Christian housewife in the 'Daddy Cool'.
Acting was her childhood Dream, and admitted that she and her son are perfect for Give her utmost satisfaction.
Young, vivacious, gorgeous, ambitious and Aarti Chabria is a huge inspiration to a Whole Lot of Girl youngsters.What make this so interesting as a person, the person in her life to achieve her Dream Drive her own terms and at peace. Shes bin or "one of them" in the Rat race ... Always silently and held her own stead, and had her own charism of which make her stand ou


shahhmurad65 said...

• Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.
• A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists.
• Dreams, goals, ambitions - these are the stuff man uses for fuel.

shahhmurad65 said...

Valentine Michael Smith is a human being raised on Mars, newly returned to Earth. Among his people for the first time, he struggles to understand the social mores and prejudices of human nature that are so alien to him, while teaching them his own fundamental beliefs in grokking, watersharing, and love

shahhmurad65 said...

Classic Sci-Fi with very good voice acting. L. Ron Hubbard is a great in the field. One of the stories was really very funny because of the assumptions that were made by the author on the power a nation would wield by being the first to the moon. I wish that more audio books would adopt the multiple cast approach to voice acting.

shahhmurad65 said...

I won this from librarything giveaway. I won a previous giveaway from same publishers. Galaxy Audio.

They specialize in L. Ron Hubbard's work, some of the titles seem very intriguing and I may check out on later date.

In this audio book there is three short stories that just didn't keep my attention.
"One Was Stubborn", "A Can of Vacuum and "240,000 Miles Straight Up" outta the three titles the only one that interests me was "240,000 Miles Straight Up"

shahhmurad65 said...

Things are disappearing. Parts of buildings, parts of people, parts of the whole world—they’re here today, gone tomorrow. Old Shellback—a character as crazy-smart as Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future—thinks he needs glasses. But all he really has to do is open his eyes . . . and see the light.
Or so says George Smiley—otherwise known as the Messiah. George claims that the reason things are vanishing is because he wants them to go away. He has no more use for the world . . . and so it goes. Say goodbye. But Old Shellback has a different idea, and since he is the most stubborn man in the universe, you might want to hear him out.
What’s Shellback’s idea? That two can play at this game. While George is making this world disappear, Old Shellback will make another one appear. Join him on an amazing odyssey—as he heads back to a future of his own making.
By the spring of 1938, Hubbard’s stature as a writer was well established. As author and critic Robert Silverberg puts it: he had become a “master of the art of narrative.” Hubbard’s editors urged him to apply his gift for succinct characterization, original plot, deft pacing and imaginative action to a genre that was new, and essentially foreign, to him—science fiction and fantasy. The rest is Sci-Fi history.
Also includes the Science Fiction adventures, A Can of Vacuum, in which a practical joke on a space station proves that a good sense of humor is timeless, and 240,000 Miles Straight Up, the thrilling story of a race to the moon . . . and the one man who may be able to save the earth from Armageddon
PROF DR SHAH MURAD, HOD, Pharmacology at Islamabad Medical and Dental College, main Murree road, 17-meel, Islamabad Pakistan shahhmurad65@gmail.com. CELL: +923142243415

shahhmurad65 said...

Mr. Hubbard left an extraordinary legacy: an immense body of wisdom that leads man to spiritual freedom; the fastest-growing religion in the world today, Scientology.
As the founder of the Scientology religion L. Ron Hubbard has described his philosophy in more than 5,000 writings, including dozens of books, and in 3,000 recorded lectures of Dianetics and Scientology. Those who regularly employ his teachings to improve themselves and help their fellows come from all walks of life, while Scientology missions and churches have been established on six continents.
The universal acclaim for the man–including thousands of awards and recognitions from individuals and groups and the unprecedented popularity of his works is but one indicator of the effectiveness of his technologies. More importantly, there are millions of people around the world who consider they have no greater friend.
Although best known for Dianetics technology and the Scientology philosophy, L. Ron Hubbard cannot be so simply categorized. If nothing else, his life was too varied, his influence too broad. There are Bantu tribesmen in southern Africa, for example, who know nothing of Dianetics and Scientology, but they know L. Ron Hubbard the educator. Likewise, there are factory workers in Albania who know him only for his administrative discoveries; children in China who know him only as the author of their moral code, and readers in a dozen languages who know him only for his novels. So, no, L. Ron Hubbard is not an easy man to categorize and certainly does not fit popular misconceptions of “religious founder” as an aloof and contemplative figure. Yet the more one comes to know this man and his achievements, the more one comes to realize he was precisely the sort of person to have brought us Scientology–the only major religion to have been founded in the twentieth century.
L. Ron Hubbard’s works represent a statement of man’s nature and potential, and even if echoed in various ancient scriptures, that statement is absolutely unique. Among the essential tenets of the Scientology philosophy: man is an immortal spiritual being; his experience extends well beyond a single lifetime; and his capabilities are unlimited even if not presently realized. In that sense, Scientology represents what may be the ultimate definition of a religion; not a system of beliefs but a means of spiritual transformation. How Scientology accomplishes what it does is through the study of Mr. Hubbard’s scriptures and the application of principles therein.
(PROF DR SHAH MURAD, HOD, Pharmacology at Islamabad Medical and Dental College, main Murree road, 17-meel, Islamabad Pakistan Email: shahhmurad65@gmail.com. CELL: +923142243415)

shahhmurad65 said...

The great strides which have forwarded man's cause throughout history have been made by those of genius who have often advanced ideas ahead of their time. It is their work that has significantly advanced civilization.
L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology, was such a man. Philosopher, author, educator, artist, mariner and explorer--L. Ron Hubbard embraced life in ways that few 20th century figures ever equaled. As a Far East adventurer through the 1920s, he had logged over a quarter of a million miles before the age of 19. As a popular writer in the 1930s, he helped redefine speculative fiction.
He was also an accomplished pilot, a celebrated photographer, an internationally known horticulturist and more. Indeed, notwithstanding popular misconceptions of religious founders as remote and contemplative figures, L. Ron Hubbard was precisely the kind of man who would have founded a religion that encompasses all life.
His body of work on Dianetics and Scientology is the culmination of more than half a century of research and comprises tens of millions of words. His writings and lectures also cover subjects as diverse as drug rehabilitation, education, marriage and family, administration, art and many other aspects of life.

(PROF DR SHAH MURAD, HOD, Pharmacology at Islamabad Medical and Dental College, main Murree road, 17-meel, Islamabad Pakistan Email: shahhmurad65@gmail.com. CELL: +923142243415)

shahhmurad65 said...

Mr. Hubbard's writings and lectures on the human spirit comprise the Scripture of the Scientology religion. This body of knowledge is an applied religious philosophy which provides a route to spiritual freedom.
When he departed this life on January 24, 1986, Mr. Hubbard had seen the broad application of his work expand to six continents as the spiritual cornerstone for millions. As the sole source of the Scriptures, he has no successor. He is remembered not as one to be idolized or worshiped, but as a great humanitarian and philosopher whose legacy is the technology of mind and spirit he left behind.
Although he once remarked, "I was the lesser part of my project, " the details of his life nonetheless provide some understanding of the tradition of Scientology.
Son of United States naval commander Harry Ross Hubbard and Ledora May Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard was born March 13, 1911, in Tilden, Nebraska. Soon thereafter, the Hubbards settled in the state capital of Helena. There, young Ron Hubbard lived what he later described as a typically Wild West existence with its, "do-and-dare attitudes, its wry humor, cowboy pranks and make nothing of the worst and most dangerous."
At the same time, he was soon reading well beyond his years under the tutelage of his mother. Also to prove a meaningful influence in later life was his rare friendship with the indigenous Blackfeet, and particularly a tribal medicine man, who was ultimately to honor the 6-year-old Ron with that unique status of blood brother.
The next milestone in his progress came in 1923 with his father's transfer to a Seattle, Washington, naval base and the family's friendship with navy medical corps officer Joseph C. Thompson, the first US naval officer to study under Sigmund Freud in Vienna. Although only 12 at the time, the young Mr. Hubbard was soon intrigued, and informally studied Freudian theory with the commander for many months. It was also through 1923 and 1924 that he entered the Boy Scouts of America and became the nation's youngest Eagle Scout in March 1924.(PROF DR SHAH MURAD, HOD, Pharmacology at Islamabad Medical and Dental College, main Murree road, 17-meel, Islamabad Pakistan Email: shahhmurad65@gmail.com. CELL: +923142243415)

shahhmurad65 said...

With his father's posting to the US naval station on the Island of Guam in 1927, Mr. Hubbard began a period of travel that would consume the next several years. Included were extended voyages throughout the South Pacific and South China Sea as a supercargo aboard a working schooner, and treks across a still remote China. His adventures were both many and exotic, and he became one of the first Americans to gain access to the fabled Tibetan lamaseries in China's Western Hills.
Upon his return to the United States, he entered the Swavely Preparatory School in Manassas, Virginia, and then Woodward School for Boys in Washington, D.C. Following graduation from Woodward, he enrolled at George Washington University where he studied engineering. What had been kindled in Asia, however, an appreciation of a vast spiritual heritage, was not to be extinguished, and he was soon embarked upon a search for what he then termed "the Life essence."
To that end, he enrolled in one of the nation's first nuclear physics classes where he examined the possibility that life might be explained in terms of small energy particles. It opened but a small crack in the door, but it was methodology such as this that led him to become the first 20th-century thinker to take a wholly scientific approach to inherently spiritual questions.
These George Washington University days were further significant as marking the start of Mr. Hubbard's professional writing career. As he later explained, however, the university held nothing for him in the way of an avenue for his larger quest, so he left to embark on several ethnological expeditions, first to various islands in the Caribbean and then to Puerto Rico, where he conducted that island's first mineralogical survey under United States rule. These expeditions would later be most noted in terms of ethnological work among Haitian Voodoo cults and the Puerto Rican Jiberaro. (PROF DR SHAH MURAD, HOD, Pharmacology at Islamabad Medical and Dental College, main Murree road, 17-meel, Islamabad Pakistan Email: shahhmurad65@gmail.com. CELL: +923142243415)

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